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Monday, July 13, 2015

Engine Gattai Series 08 — Engine Jetras (2008)

Jetras is rather sleek and organically joins the elite crew of archers who sharpen their bows into razor-edged melee weapons. Admittedly, Engine-Oh is better at attempting to draw it via perspective tricks than Toripter, but that’s appropriate in its own way because Jetras and Miu have combined with them on their own. In addition to activating the included Engine Soul, the side buttons double up as the firing mechanism for the two included missiles. They’re a crucial addition as they comprise one of Jetras’s signature attacks unlike with Kajiki Origami where they’re more of an afterthought. Jetras is also the strongest excuse for putting an Engine Soul into a flat-out incorrect Engine cast.

Comparisons between the various versions are below the cut.

4½  Warbled "V V"s out of 5

Having owned the Bandai Asia release, I can confirm it is the same as the Bandai of Japan original. The American version accomplishes much the same in a slightly less polished way while completely foregoing voice-clip functionality. Ebay will wreck your wallet. Enlist the help of a middleman service to scour Yahoo Japan Auctions or try your hand at Mandarake.

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