A fine blend of all things Nuts: Multimedia Collections, Toys, Foods, Concerts, Occasional Petting Zoo Visits, etc.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Sword and Sorcery Collection

Wiki describes the term as 'a subgenre of fantasy generally characterised by sword-wielding heroes engaged in exciting and violent conflicts,' with elements of 'romance [...] magic and the supernatural.' It mentions also that it often overlaps with Heroic Fantasy films, as does my list below.
The Hyborian Conan is the undisputed king, but there are plenty of other heroes for hire; you'll more than likely find them standing stoutheartedly on hills while the sun sets; temporarily chained in dank castle dungeons; or jovially drinking and wenching in taverns. I still love the genre, but I feel that modern film techniques have sucked most of the soul out of it – its heyday is over, sadly. Here's what we've got so far (arranged alphabetically):

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Primitives By Kathy Box Sign — Imperfection ()

That's the door to the NegLiner. I'm not a fan of the term "man cave." It has nothing to do with gender politics; I just personally find it to be a silly turn of phrase. You may find the practice of hanging affirmations about your abode to be equally silly. I generally do, too, and for a few years I contented myself with having a picture of this, on my phone. One day, though, I suddenly felt that my Jin collection was falling behind. It's still behind, and will ever be.

This will also ever be the most concise statement of Jin's life-philosophy (assembled from pieces of broken memories). Don't go throwing it about, because I suspect you could start splintering the wood pretty easily. Well, don't drop it is the more appropriate warning. It really is a box with the back missing, so I've got the top edge resting on three equally spaced nails. Of course it ended up being crooked 😁

5 Lovable Eccentrics Who Were Never Really Yours out of 5